Undoubtedly 2016 is the year of virtual reality glasses and helmets and Sony does not want to be left behind, so it has recently announced the price and availability of its device, which will no longer be called Project Morpheus to be definitely called PlayStation VR. Let's see what the glasses for the Sony console offer us.
It is confirmed that the device has a 5.7-inch OLED screen that gives a total resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels RGB, at a rate of 960 x 1080 per eye, a frequency of 120 frames per second, a latency of 18 ms and a field of vision of approximately 100 degrees. It also has 9 LED sensors to track movement in 360 degrees. The set comes with an addition to the console that will make the functions of 3D sound processing, allows the viewing of the image of the glasses on a television and allows the device to be used in kinematic mode, which allows to see 2D games in an environment virtual.
To take into account: Being a Sony device, it is necessary to have a PS4 for its operation, integrating perfectly into its ecosystem, allowing the use of the DualShock or PlayStation Move controls. The biggest current doubts are related to the power of the console when it comes to moving the games smoothly, although there are rumors about a new PS4 supervitaminada.
The commitment to the Virtual Reality of Sony is placed, by characteristics, in an intermediate position between the devices that use mobile phones as a screen and the complete helmets for personal computers.
Price and availability
The distribution will take place from October 2016, although reservations can be made for that date. The price of the glasses is € 399 but does not include the mandatory PS Camera to register the movements correctly, so you have to add € 59.99 if you do not already have it, reason that Sony argues for the controversial decision to sell the glasses separately. It is highly recommended to have the PlayStation Move controls for a complete immersive experience, so you would have to add another € 29.95 for each one.
To take into account: A launch pack in the USA has been announced, consisting of the PS VR + PS Camera + 2 PS Move + controls, the "PlayStation VR Worlds" game, which sold out at $ 499.99. available within a few hours. There is no confirmation of this pack in Europe and its price, although the usual thing is to assume the Dollar - Euro parity and that it is on sale for € 499.99.
Available from October, although its starting price has been announced at € 399, it must be borne in mind that it does not include the mandatory camera to detect movements made with the device, so its cost increases if it is not available of her previously.
Another of the points that determine the success of the consoles and their devices are the games available that take advantage of their features. Sony has confirmed a series of relevant data in this regard: there are already 230 studies developing products; at least 50 games will be released until the end of the year; a list with the names of 88 confirmed games has been advanced. They have also ensured that they will allow from the first moment the free download of "The Playroom VR", consisting of a place to access several social games, as well as having the demos of some of the most outstanding releases. One of the announced collaborations is with DICE and Electronic Arts to make a special version of "Star Wars Battlefront" exclusive for this device where to take advantage of all the characteristics of it.
To take into account: To all the possible specific titles of VR we must add the possibilities of the kinematic mode that allows to play any existing title as if it were done on a 5 meter wide screen from a distance of two and a half meters.
PS VR is presented a priori with a large number of titles willing to exploit all the features and capabilities of the Sony Virtual Reality glasses, although there are still a few months to prove it.